Tuesday, March 8, 2011


March 9th is a very special day for one little lady:

Well hello there tiny princess child!

Today is the 11th birthday of my youngest sister! She is a very twirly sister.

Who is unusually good at Wii Boxing.

And a very picky eater....not unlike someone else I know...

She has wonderful freckles.

She is content to do her own thing.

Which often includes making me laugh!

She is artistic.

And sweet (especially when she still had those baby teeth!)

She is quite independent.
She is very cuddly.

She has not yet mastered the art of crossing her eyes.
Maybe when she's 12.

She has an amazing hair stylist.

And oh yes, she is almost a teenager.
Dear sister,
Please stop growing.


  1. Happy Birthday, GG! Great pictures, Colie!

    Brother Eric

  2. Yippeee - - Happy Birthday, Caroline!!!!!! I hope it's a fun day! :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Caroline -- a day late!!!
