Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hello my looooooooove!

This is Eric.
He is just plain.
Just plain AWESOME!!

He has a surprise waiting for him.....a food surprise, not a baby surprise or a new car surprise. Don't get too excited people, its not that kind of blog.

Eric has been out of town for the past 3.59 days and in anticipation of his near return I have been cooking (prepping) up a storm. This cooking spree was partially inspired by my meeting Friday night with The Pioneer Woman (actually I waited in line for hours to get her autograph - totally worth it!) and partially inspired by my trip to the Restaurant Depot (pretty sure I want to open a restaurant now) today with Lenore and Nicole. Whatever the inspiration, Eric is soon to be a happy camper! Tonight I made/prepped the following:

The Pioneer Woman's Mashed Potatoes
Roast Beef Tenderloin - sans dipping sauce

I tried to take pictures of the process(es) and will be posting them on here soon....but not now. Now is time for sleeping. And taking care of these fluffs:

Much Love,
Plain Nicole


  1. Are those Pioneer Hoooo's at the bottom of the post?

  2. I'm guessing this is my father....and yes, they are MY pioneer hooooos!

  3. I've wanted to make tenderloin before but can't bring myself to cough up the cash! :) Way to go venturing out of the perpetually-plain food plan!
